Some people like to talk a lot—redundantly even. Other people don’t talk much, but they save up all of their insight for the few sentences they do offer. My dad is the second type. (I am the first).
Today, as everyday, I am grateful for my dad. On Friday night, after two years of blood, sweat and tears, I was blessed to play at a release party for my new album. It was a wonderful crowd and a wonderful venue. I am blessed beyond belief to have shared that experience, along with the creation of the album itself with my DAD. How many people can say that?
Dad plays similarly to how he speaks. He is a busy guy, and I know he doesn’t get to play guitar nearly as much he would like. When he does play, he is full of soul. Dad’s playing is the music of someone in the childlike joy of being lost to the world and engrossed in doing something they love. He’s like a kid again when he plays, and that sense of fun is contagious. In the anxiety and busyness of releasing a new album, having dad’s relaxed joy around was a huge gift.
So, my dad is an amazing musician and collaborator, but he is also much more. My dad has one of the most selfless hearts of service I have ever seen. He works tirelessly and without complaint to help the people he loves. We sometimes joke that he is like the energizer bunny. All of his free time is spent fixing cars, cooking supper, running errands, or completing odd jobs and reno’s needed around the house (or his children’s, siblings’ or parents’ houses). Sometimes I wonder if he’d rather have a task on his day off than not. Once in a while you might see him sit down and read a book or play some guitar.
Dad does all of this without any complaints and proactively before he’s been asked for help (he’s been known to see the need for a repair AND fix it before I knew my car even had an issue).
He is also a professional listener (psychologist), with exactly the wisdom and perspective you need in a given moment. His words rarely fail to bring me peace or clarity when I can’t find it on my own.
I have been incredibly blessed by your heart, Dad. Thank you so much, and here’s to many more fun musical parties to come.
#gratituesday #heartbeats #whenyouranswercomes